Generic page

This is the type of the default home page. It suits very visual content, with many images and few text, like a welcome page, an advertisement page, or a project presentation for example.

On this page you can add 14 different types of blocks, in any order and number:

Classic Blocks

  • Header Block

    A Header is a block that contain an image, a title, a subtitle and buttons.

    A Header is a block that contain an image, a title, a subtitle and buttons.

  • Carousel

    A carousel is a group of big images that can be scrolled through with side arrows below a title.

    A carousel is a group of big images that can be scrolled through with side arrows below a title.

  • Text Block

    The text block is sized about 1/3 of the page width, you can choice the alignment.

    The text block is sized about 1/3 of the page width, you can choice the alignment.

  • Generic Image

    The image is on the page with the position of your choice, sized about 1/3 of the page width and you can select the full width option.

    The generic image is on the page with the position of your choice, sized about 1/3 of the page width and you can select the full width option.

  • Big card

    Big card consist of block of text next to an image.

    Big card consist of block of text next to an image, you can choice the position of image.

  • Card container

    Container cards is a block with small cards that contain text below an image, aligned by three below a title.

    Container cards is a block with small cards that contain text below an image, aligned by three below a title.

  • Logo Block

    The logo block is a logo with a title below.

    The logo block is a logo with a title below.

  • Quote Block

    The quote block is a citation with an author.

    The quote block is a quote with an author.

  • Image List Block

    The image list block is a list of images.

    The image list block is a list of images.

  • Question group

    The question block is composed of title and question with answer.

    The question block is composed of title and question with answer.

  • Columns Block

    The columns block contain columns with the blocks of your choice.

    The columns block contain columns with the blocks of your choice.

  • Box Block

    The box block surround the block of your choice.

    The box block surround the block of your choice.

Blocks that depend on external content

  • Section preview articles

    The section preview articles show the lasts articles published below a title.

    The section preview articles show the lasts articles published below a title.

  • Form

    The form block show the form selected below a title.

    The form block show the form selected below a title.

Read more about inserting images and using rich text fields.